Fifty Years
Three years down as a nurse. Your husband was so in love with you. He never stopped talking about you. You enjoyed sharing stories with me about your life together. I learned that you met your husband at the post office where you were both employed at 18 years old. When I met you, you were looking forward to celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary in just a few years, until that dream was no longer possible. Your MM, or Multiple Myeloma was causing scattered fractures within your bones. Every step you took was crippling due to your pain. You fought hard, but in the end, there were no more treatments that could extend your life, without taking away from your quality of life. I know it was the toughest decision for your husband to make, but he chose to transition you to CMO, or comfort measures only. I watched him visit you every evening. I watched him struggle at the threshold of your door, tears streaming down his face before he even entered your room. He could never stay long because it was so painful for him. When you passed, it broke your husband. He cremated you, put you in a beautiful urn, and you continued to join him for dinner each night, as you had for 45 years prior. I’m sorry you didn’t make it to your 50th wedding anniversary, but the love between you and your husband will forever inspire me.